Hello penguins!
The Prehistoric Party starts yesterday, and CPRockz have a complete guide of this party to you! . How about starts the guide?
When you login on CP, you can see other environment. I give 1 image to you:
On any room, you found a catalog located on right down corner:
On this catalog, contains items for everyone and single members! You can see the image here:
One of principal things to do is search the dinosaur eggs. You are ready for this? I yes .
You can gets the eggs playing the new game, DinoDig! This game have one similarity whit Treasure hunt.
On my case, I found an 1 egg on the first play. Let's see what dinosaur is?
It's a red PTERANODON! You clic on the egg and go to the right down corner and give click on the word "Transform" (You need to have a membership to use this action)
When you get all eggs you can get an free item! The that a tyrannosaurus hoodie!
You can give one ROAR to the Prehistoric penguins!
Bye penguins, This guide thee served help to you? Say to me on 1 comment!
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